Saturday, 25 June 2011

day 25 - park runs and wedgies

Got my run in early today as I have, for a limited period, got my social life back and am off out for lunch with a friend, then to a garden party (though it may turn out to be a house party if the current weather conditions stay the same). Then I'm off to the pub to see another friend who is over visiting from Australia.

So it was a drizzly lap round the meadows today. Was tired after my 9miler yesterday so took it easy - though much to my delight my 'easy' pace is a lot faster these days :)  Unfortunately it was a bit of an uncomfortable one as I was wearing a particular pair of pants that resulted in me doing a Rafael Nadal impression and continuously having to fight against wedgies - I know, lovely!

Anyway, my friend has arrived so I must cut this short. So on the stats:

Distance: 4.22miles
Time: 0:39:19
Calories: 467


  1. Its a nightmare getting the right undies. Well done getting your run in early. Hope you are enjoying your social day

  2. Wardrobe failures are such an annoyance under any circumstances, but when running, even moreso.

    Your mileagle total for the month is impressive! This is my first time in an online running group challenge. I LOVE it! Most everyone is inspiring. Can't wait for Janathon, to try to double my mileage? Show me the way :-)

  3. There is nothing worse than a hungry bum!
