Sunday, 2 June 2013

day 2: end of a hedonistic weekend (exercise was achieved)

Ok, well this weekend turned out very different that I had planned but was worth it. While I did not go out running as I had planned, I spent over an hour dancing to techno music with some of my insane friends so definitely think this qualifies for my Junathon effort today.

I reckon I probably burned a lot more calories dancing like a maniac than I would have if I had gone on a short hungover run :)

Demonstrating my general goal when I started on my twitter/blogging journey, this weekend has very much tested my balancing of my healthy exercise-orientated lifestyle and my love of hedonistic behaviour. I very much expect normal service to resume tomorrow!!

hours spent dancing like a manic: at least over one
days spent being hedonistic so far this Juneathon: 2


  1. Dancing counts for sure!

  2. Just read a blog about hula-hooping, and another asking if running around after toddlers counts for Juneathon. Dancing like a maniac certainly counts too. Nice one C. Keep it going!

  3. I think it could have been at leas 2 hours
