Saturday, 31 January 2015

Day 31: Ending with less of a bang and more of an "aaachoo! "

Yes, I've had a rather less than auspicious ending to Janathon this year, with a rare fail yesterday to even blog, tho I did do my usual 1 mile walk to /from work.  But the onset of a horrible head cold has meant the day spent mainly on the couch reading or sneezing (or more often than not, failing to sneeze). I've even had to give up a trip to the cinema as I figured folk wouldn't appreciate me adding my own tissue - related sound effects.

I will however be going out for dinner later as it is a close friend's birthday celebration and we're going to a very good Vietnamese restaurant and all the chilli etc. will  obviously be good for my cold along with some medicinal wine :). I will walk to and from the bus stop for my exercise

Well done to my fellow Janathon-ers, who I'm sure have managed way more exercising than I have this month. However, be sure that my training has only just begun... For June this year my goal is to be able to manage at least one proper pull up in time for Tough Mudder!

Preemptive miles : 1-2miles
Times I've sneezed today : about 30
Tissues got thru: lots