Total distance: 14km in 1hour 10mins ( that's a outward and return journey)
Mainly due to the fact that it's my first day back at work and I have friends to visit this evening (I can see Janathon reaaally screwing with my social life!) I thought I would sneakily squeeze my exercise for today by combining it with getting to work. Just as I am a fair weather outdoor runner, prefering the comfort of the gym in the winter (its cold, raining and windy in Scotland!), I am not partial to cycling on dark cold days. However, needs must.
So I dusted of my bike which has been generally getting in the way in my very narrow hallway since the summer,, when I brought it out of very long term storage in my parents garage, to do a charity ride from Glasgow to Edinburgh via the canal ways. Anyway, it did give me a chance to use some of the expensive stuff I bought for my return to cycling and saved me a couple of quid bus fare!
The journey to work wasn't too bad though I really don't like travelling in traffic and felt rather good for getting exercise in before 8am. On the down side my return journey was cold and rainy and I now have a rather sore behind - the first ride is always the worst.
I should be back to the running tomorrow but if the promise of sunshine holds out I may cycle it to work aswell! Though I my feel differently in the morning!
I don't blame you for mixing it up and doing some biking for a change